Today’s a day to remember how good we have it in the USA. Despite all of the fighting amongst us, from Washington DC to social unrest between the haves and have nots, it is my hope that we can step back at least once a year and remember how good we have it in the USA.
September 11, 2001 I was on my way to Decatur, Alabama when I got a phone call from my wife who is home watching the terrorist attack with my one year old. Ginger informed me the two planes had flown in to the towers in New York. Soon after I was headed home. For a week markets were closed. It seemed like the whole world just stopped in it’s tracks. It wasn’t again until March 13, 2020 that I had the same feeling of the world shutting down. I was leaving New Orleans to head home after a conference that I was at with the broker dealer that I was with at the time. For roughly a month the world shut down. I believe during those two times in the last 23 years, one good thing came out from those two events. For me, it stopped me from rushing through life. Gave me time to spend time with my family and my friends. Reminded me how precious of a gift I have been given by living in this country. Of course, there are many things that are not to be proud of that the USA has done, yet it is my freedom that I have here that trumps all of that. I am thankful for those people who have put their lives on the line so that I can live with such great freedom.
Just remember, as the stock market opens up higher this morning, how blessed we are to have the ability to pursue your dreams, to pursue our wealth and to move about, and think about with freedom.